Don’t head out in your new or used RV without keeping yourself stocked on the essentials. As you move through the seasons, it’s important to restock things like your first aid kit so that you’re prepared for any bump, scrape, or cut along the way – and you can get back to having fun! Check out our RV tips for a mid-season check on your first aid kit or other essentials!
Restock the Basics
Take a look over your first aid kit. If you’re running low (my family always seems to run out of waterproof band-aids first!), no need to buy a brand new kit at the store. Just pick up a refill box of individual items.

You should have plenty of the following:
- Bandages in several sizes – including waterproof and latex-free
- Antiseptic wash or towelettes
- Gauze pads
- Adhesive tape
- Non-latex gloves
You’ll also want to keep a thermometer, scissors, and several instant cold packs on hand.
Restock Ointments and Meds
My family needs to have our insect repellant and sunscreen restocked a couple times every summer, but if you haven’t yet topped off your supply, now is the time to do so!

The following topical sprays ointments, and other meds, need to be checked and have a fresh supply purchased as needed:
- Sunscreen
- Aloe vera gel
- Insect repellant
- Hand sanitizer
- Calamine lotion
- Hydrogen peroxide
- Triple antibiotic ointment
- Antihistamine ointment
- Oral pain relief meds (Tylenol, Motrin) and oral antihistamine (Benadryl) – and children’s versions if you have kids with you
Restock the Essentials
While these items aren’t specifically first aid kit items, they also fall under the list of essentials and you’ll want to make sure a mid-season restock is taken care of, if needed. Plus, I don’t know about you, but sometimes these items don’t always get returned to their proper place. There’s nothing worse than not being able to find something essential at the exact moment when it’s, well, especially essential! Check and restock these supplies as needed:
- Duct tape
- Matches (regular and waterproof)
- Flashlights plus extra batteries
- Knife and/or multitool
- Ponchos
- Reflective emergency blankets

Besides restocking your first aid kit and other essentials, it’s important to stay on top of your new or used RV’s service checks. If you need a midseason RV service appointment, we’re only a phone call away. Contact us today!